70 out of the top 100 human food crops (which supply about 90% of the world’s nutrition) are pollinated by bees.

A deadly mix of pesticides, parasites, and climate change have put bee populations in crisis around the worldince the 1990s, beekeepers have noted a sharp and astonishing decline in bee populations. Industrial agriculture methods, parasites, and climate change are killing off bees in droves, and the widespread use of bee-harming pesticides are particular threats to honeybees and wild pollinators. Without them, feeding the world’s growing population will be nearly impossible. It’s time to ban these damaging pesticides and protect vital pollinators.

What you can do

1. Read what's happening - honeybees and wild pollinators play a crucial role in agriculture and food production. But toxic pesticides are killing bees and threatening our food.Help spread the word about bees in crisis.

2. Bee the change - commit to buying only organic fruits and vegetables, which don’t use bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides.

3. Work together - get together with friends to plant a bee garden. Lavender, rosemary, sage, sunflower, and oregano are all great for pollinator health.

4. Visit Greenpeace: "Save the bees" to learn much more

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